Nulook Homes is a GreenSmart accredited builder who will work with you from concept to
completion. We practice sustainable building and GreenSmart building principles in construction.
For advice on your sustainable home build call our GreenSmart accredited professional Peter on 9349 7003.
Passive Solar Homes
Solar passive design uses the environment to heat and cool the home naturally. Orientation of the home, placement of windows and shaded structures are all taken into consideration during the design phase. The result
is a comfortable home with an ambient temperature all year round resulting in reduced overall living costs.
Design your home with solar passive design principles to reduce your homes energy costs and reduce your
carbon footprint.
Nulook Homes has built and designed many passive solar homes and is experienced in a wide variety of new products, natural and renewable building materials. We also build for green and passive solar
based design companies.
Check out our Sustainable Homes page to see some of our latest projects
We are passionate about building environmentally friendly new homes and renovations and the
industry has rewarded us for it:
2022 HIA Colorbond Steel Perth Housing Awards
Finalist- GreenSmart Sustainable Home of the Year
2022 Master Builders- Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards
Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency & Winner- Best Waterwise Home
2021 HIA Colorbond Steel Perth Housing Awards
Winner- GreenSmart Sustainable Home of the Year
2021 Master Builders- Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards
Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency & Winner- Best Waterwise Home
2020 Master Builders- Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards
Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency & Winner- Best Waterwise Home
2019 HIA Australian GreenSmart Awards
Winner- Ausralian GreenSmart Custom Built Home & Finalist- Australian GreenSmart Energy Efficiency Award
2019 Master Builders- Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards
Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency & Winner- Best Waterwise Home
2018 Master Builders National Awards
Winner - National Environment and Energy Efficiency Residential Building Award
2018 HIA Australian GreenSmart Awards
Winner- Energy Efficiency Award & Winner- Water Efficiency Award
Finalist- Sustainable Home of the Year
2018 HIA WA GreenSmart Awards
Winner- Sustainable Home of the Year, Winner- Energy Efficiency Award, Winner- Water Efficiency Award
Winner- Smart Home of the Year & Finalist - Custom Built Home of the Year
2018 Master Builders- Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards
Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency & Winner- Best Waterwise Home
2016 Master Builders- Bankwest Housing Excellence Awards
Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency & Winner- Waterwise Home

Tel: 9349 7003
Email: info@nulookhomes.com.au