Award Winning Builder
We are extremley proud to have won the following awards. These awards are for excellence in building construction, customer service and excellence in building practice. This showcases our high quality of work and attention to detail that we put in each and every one of our homes.
- Finalist- National Alterations/ Extensions Award
$650,000 - $1 Million
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Finalist- National Alterations/ Extensions Award
Under $200,000
Maylands Renovation - Designed by Jill Owners Interiors
- Winner- Medium Builder of the Year
- Winner- Best Alterations and Additions- $150,000 - $230,000
Maylands Renovation - Designed by Jill Owners Interiors
- Winner- Best Alterations and Additions- $230,000 - $300,000
Mount Hawthorn Renovation
- Winner- Best Alterations and Additions- $530,000 - $750,000
The Boulevarde Renovation
- Winner- Best Alterations and Additions- $750,000 - $1 Million
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Winner- Best Waterwise Home
Yeovil Way Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist- Excellence in Energy Efficiency
Yeovil Way Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist- Best Customer Service - Medium Builder
- Finalist- Innovative Construction for Small Lots
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Finalist- Best Overall Alterations and Additions
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Finalist- Best Overall Alterations and Additions
The Boulevarde Renovation
- Finalist - Best Contract Home - $800,000 - $1 Million
Beach Street Residence
- Winner- National Business Excellence Award
Medium Residential Business of the Year
- Winner- Small Builder of the Year
- Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency
Shakespeare Street Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner- Best Waterwise Home
Shakespeare Street Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist- Alterations and Additions - $430,000 - $530,000
South Fremantle Renovation
- Finalist- Alterations and Additions - $750,000 - $1 Million
Beach Street Renovation
- Winner- Small Builder of the Year
- Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency
Stone Road Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner- Best Waterwise Home
Stone Road Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist- Bankwest Best Customer Service Award- Small Builder
- Finalist - Best Alterations and Additions - $1 Million and Over
Nedlands Renovation
- Winner- Small Builder of the Year
- Winner- Best Alteration and Additions $750,000 - $1 Million
Ascot Renovation
- Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency
Crawshaw Crescent Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner- Best Waterwise Home
Crawshaw Crescent Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist - Best Overall Alterations and Additions
Leederville Renovation
- Finalist - Best Alterations and Additions $500,000 - $750,000
Leederville Renovation
- Winner- Bankwest Best Customer Service Award- Small Builder
- Finalist - Small Builder of the Year
- Winner- Alterations and Additions $150,000 - $200,000
North Fremantle Renovation
- Winner - Excellence in Energy Efficiency
Winthrop Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner -Best Waterwise Home
Winthrop Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist - Alterations and Additions $500,000 - $750,000
Yangebup Renovation
- Winner - National Environment and Energy Efficiency Residential Building Award
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Winner - Excellence in Energy Efficiency
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Winner - Best Waterwise Home
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Finalist- Alterations and Additions $500,000 - $750,000
Bayswater Renovation
- Finalist- Best Customer Service- Small Builder
- Finalist- Bankwest Best Customer Service Award- Small Builder
- Finalist- Best Alterations and Additions $560,000 - $750,000
Claremont Renovation
- Finalist- Most Liveable Home
Wembley Residence - Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner- Small Builder of the Year
- Winner- Excellence in Energy Efficiency
Wembley Residence
- Winner- Waterwise Home
Wembley Residence
- Winner- Alterations and Additions $300,000 - $400,000
Applecross Renovation
- Winner- Alterations and Additions $400,000 - $500,000
Floreat Renovation
- Finalist- Best Overall Alterations and Additions
Applecross Renovation
- Finalist- Contract Home $650,000 - $800,000
Mount Pleasant Residence
- Finalist Alteration and Additions Project $400,000 - $500,000
East Fremantle Renovation
- Finalist- Innovative Construction for Small Lots
Leederville Residence
- Finalist- Contract Homes $400,000 - $500,000
Darlington Residence
- Finalist- Alterations and Additions Project $400,000 - $500,000
Third Avenue Renovation
- Winner- Contract Homes $280,000 - $350,000
Gamenya Street Residence
- Finalist - Alterations and Additions $400,00 - $500,000
Munro Street Renovation
- Winner- Alterations and Additions $250,000 - $300,000
Mindaire Renovation
- Winner- Excellence In Building Practice
- Finalist - Contract Homes $350,000 - $400,000
Melville Residence
- Winner - Alterations and Additions Under $150,000
Golflinks Drive Renovation
- Winner - Alterations and Additions $200,000 - $250,000
Karrinyup Renovation
- Contract Homes $280,000 - $350,000 Winner
Risana Close Residence
- Finalist - Contract Homes $230,000 - $280,000
King David Boulevard
- Winner - Western Australian - Small Business Management
- Finalist - Western Australian - Lightweight Housing
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Winner - Lightweight Housing of the Year
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Winner- Lightweight Housing Over $800,000
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Winner- Lightweight Housing Up to $400,000
Mount Hawthorn Renovation
- Finalist - Lightweight Housing of the Year
Mount Hawthorn Renovation
- Winner - Renovation / Addition Project $700,000 - $1 Million
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Finalist - Renovation / Addition Project of the Year
Mount Lawley Renovation
- Finalist - Renovation/ Addition Project $250,000 - $380,000
Mount Hawthorn Renovation
- Finalist - Renovation/ Addition Project Up to $250,000
Maylands Renovation
- Finalist- Excellence in Service - Medium Builder
- Winner - Western Australian Housing Awards Excellence in Service - Medium Builder
- Winner - Perth Housing Awards Excellence in Service
- Medium Builder
- Winner - Renovation/ Addition Project $550,001 - $700,000
The Boulevarde Renovation
- Finalist - Renovation/ Addition Project of the Year
The Boulevarde Renovation
- Finalist- Perth GreenSmart Sustainable Home of the Year
Yeovil Way Residence Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner - Perth GreenSmart Sustainable Home of the Year
Stone Road Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner - Renovation/ Addition Project $350,001 - $550,000
Wembley Renovation
- Finalist - Renovation/ Addition Project of the Year
Wembley Renovation
- Finalist - Renovation/ Addition Project $350,001 - $550,000
South Fremantle Renovation
- Finalist - Excellence in Service Western Australia- Medium Builder
- Winner - Excellence in Service Western Australia- Medium Builder
- Winner - Excellence in Service Perth - Medium Builder
- Winner- Perth Renovation/ Addition Project $200,000 - $300,000
North Fremantle Renovation
- Finalist- Perth Renovation/ Addition Project $650,001 - $1 Million
Ascot Renovation
- Finalist - Perth Renovation/ Addition Project of the Year
- Finalist- Perth GreenSmart Sustainable Home
Crawshaw Crescent Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist - Perth Liveable Home
Winthrop Residence
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner- Australian GreenSmart Custom Built Home
Winthrop Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist- Australian GreenSmart Energy Efficiency
Winthrop Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner- Australian GreenSmart Energy Efficiency Award The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Winner- Australian GreenSmart Water Efficiency Award
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Finalist - Australian GreenSmart Sustainable Home of the Year
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Winner- WA GreenSmart Sustainable Home of the Year
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Winner- WA GreenSmart Energy Efficiency Award
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Winner- WA GreenSmart Water Efficiency Award
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Winner- WA GreenSmart Smart Home of the Year
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Finalist- WA GreenSmart Custom Built Home of the Year
The Sustainable Home
Designed by Solar Dwellings in conjunction with StepBeyond
- Winner- Renovation/ Addition Project of the Year
Bayswater Renovation
- Winner- Renovation/ Addition Project $450,001 - $650,000
Bayswater Renovation
- Winner- Renovation/ Addition Project $350,001- $450,000
Ardross Renovation
- Finalist- Perth Home of the Year
Bayswater Renovation
- Finalist- Renovation/ Addition Project of the Year
Ardross Renovation
- Winner- Western Australia Liveable Home of the Year
Wembley Residence - Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist- Western Australia Framed Home of the Year
Gidgegannup Residence
- Winner- Perth Framed Home of the Year
Gidgegannup Residence
- Winner- Perth Framed Housing $500,001 & Over
- Winner- Perth Liveable Home of the Year
Wembley Residence Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner- Perth Custom Built Home Up to $350,000
Mullaloo Residence
- Finalist- Perth Home of the Year
Gidgegannup Residence
- Finalist- Perth Home of the Year
Wembley Residence Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist- Perth Custom Built Home of the Year
Mullaloo Residence
- Winner- Renovation/ Additions Project $250,001 - $350,000
Applecross Renovation
- Finalist- Renovation/ Additions Project $350,001 - $500,000
Floreat Renovation
- Winner- Renovation/ Additions Project $350,001- $500,000
East Fremantle Renovation
- Winner- Custom Built Home $350,001- $475,000
Mount Hawthorn Residence Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Finalist- Small Lot Housing $350,001- $600,000
Leederville Residence
- Finalist- Renovation/ Additions Project of the Year
East Fremantle Renovation
- Finalist- Custom Built Home of the Year
Mount Hawthorn Designed by Solar Dwellings
- Winner - Excellence in Service Western Australia- Medium Builder
- Winner - Excellence in Service Perth - Medium Builder
- Finalist- Perth Home of the Year
Third Avenue Renovation
- Winner - Renovation/ Addition Project of the Year
Third Avenue Renovation
- Winner - Renovations/ Addition Project $350,001 - $500,000
Third Avenue Renovation
- Finalist - Excellence in Service - Medium Builder
- Finalist - Renovations/Additions Project $250,001 – $350,000
Mindarie Renovation
- Finalist- Renovations/Additions Project $350,001 – $500,000
Caldera Way Renovation
- Winner Renovations/Additions Project $200,001 – $250,000
Maylands Renovation
- Winner - Excellence in Service – Medium Builder
- Finalist - Renovations/Additions Project $250,001 – $400,000
North Perth Renovation
- Winner - Custom Built Homes Up to $350,000
Risana Close Residence
- Finalist - Perth Custom Built Home of the Year
Risana Close Residence
- Finalist - Renovations/Additions Project $250,001 – $325,000
Duncraig Renovation
- Finalist - Custom Built Homes Up to $300,000 Finalist
King David Boulevard
Tel: 9349 7003
Email: info@nulookhomes.com.au